The Envirosharp Story
here’s the story without giving everybody the incredibly boring uninteresting details.
In late 2007 I was introduced to an odor elimination technology that was extremely effective. I had never seen or “smelled” anything like it (Ok, I would starve as a comedian…bare with me). I started doing work with car dealerships to help them remediate odors in their cars for sale through the pre-owned department. We were tackling odors like cigarette smoke, pet related odor damage, and people who clearly were utilizing prescription medication for glaucoma. These were all on the more common side of the equation but then as time progressed we were exposed to a plethora of more unusual odors.
These ranged the spectrum from odors emanating from something that had died recently or a really long time ago (no need to say anything else anymore graphic regarding this one), food and liquids like milk that had been left in the car a little too long in the summer, (watermelon explosions are really interesting and cool as well…we recommend everyone try seeing how long it will actually take for a watermelon to explode in your car in the summer-time: results may vary), and cars that had a water leak that went undetected until it was too late.
How Does Water Get in my Car (slowly and undetected)?
(take your ADD meds here we go): Well, as it turns out all the technology and methods deployed to remove odors from cars with water leaks proved to be a miserable failure until one day we had a dealership show us why (drumroll). In some makes and models of vehicles the manufacturer applies soundproofing to the floorpan of the vehicle and when water comes into the car undetected from the following:
an AC drain hose backup from a clog or spider web (yes, it is more common than you think…the dealership isn’t lying to you)
body seams that weren’t sealed properly after a wreck
aftermarket windshields that aren’t sealed properly
hood pull grommets coming loose
rear hatch welds in SUV’s that are cracked
sunroof drains getting clogged, or sunroof drain lines cracking or dry rotting
air conditioner evaporator cores leaking, etc., etc., etc. (You get the picture)
These cars tend to get quite a bit of organic growth in the floorpan area because the soundproofing usually has some sort of organic material within the composition of the soundproofing. Therefore, you may just get the lovely aroma that people often associate with mold & mildew.
This is where we come in:
We have a process that we invented from our own blood, sweat equity, and tears (not really…the blood part is somewhat true) where we safely and in a very eco-friendly, human friendly (because we like people), and pet friendly manner remediate your car of these horrific, sci-fi induced smells and get your car back on the road.
The truth is that we have been doing this since 2009 & in this timespan nobody has remediated more cars as a result of water leaks than our team at EnviroSharp. We have the client base, testimonials, referrals, and wish we had the clout of a big box publicly traded remediation franchise to prove this point more convincingly.